Social Media Manager & Graphic Design

I'm an Instagram and personal branding specialist, proud mom of 3 busy kids, and a former accountant. I love helping businesses create or freshen up their branding and design, and helping people find their voice on social media. My kids are my true passion so most days you can find me at a ball field or a swimming pool cheering on my favorite athletes. I love to digitally illustrate in my spare time and I'm never far from my Apple pencil. My hand-lettering and illustrations can be seen on Instagram @alliletters


Amy Team Member

Social Media Manager & Graphic Design

I'm a visual storyteller, inclusive copywriter, and hand-lettering nerd, always on the lookout for new ways to help the helpers. In my free time, you’ll find me helicopter parenting “easy to keep” houseplants, doodling, riding my bicycle, thrifting, going to punk shows, or seeking out somewhere to soak up sunshine and serotonin on a budget


Social Media Manager

My biggest joy in life is being a Mom to 3 and a Wife. I’m a baseball + lacrosse Mom, beach lover, and I jump at the chance to go on a hike. I’m a list making, organizer of all the things. School + booster club volunteer and I love a good challenge and learning new skills. I’m owner of Social Solved and have managed social media for small businesses for many years. I’m proud to partner with the Loopsters to extend a hand for non-profit support. I find a sense of purpose in accomplishing good through social media.


Accountant & Photographer

I'm an accountant by trade and a photographer at heart. I run on chocolate and spontaneous adventures! Travel, books, and music are my jam. I am constantly learning and growing.


Social Media Manager & Website Design

I’m a web design/social media consultant and I’ve worked with many local businesses over the past 20 years. I started @RaleighWhatsUp after moving from Sydney, Australia to Raleigh to help people know where to shop, eat, drink, get artsy + explore locally. I love traveling the world near + far, modern art museums, contemporary design, snapping pics on my Iphone + spending time with friends + family.


Digital Content Manager

Avid writer, budding photographer and impassioned non-profit supporter. After many years in the marketing world, my passion is helping communicate an organization’s story clearly, creatively, and concisely. Outside of Loop, I love being a wife and mom, traveling, eating trail mix, and listening to podcasts.



Greetings! I'm a gardening, skateboard enthusiast, tea connoisseur, avid snow skim boarder, cereal munching, joy-filled Theophilus. //Shalom//


Graphic Designer

Writer, artist, and reader — yes my wrists hurt, no I cannot be stopped. My cats are my life, but I love frogs and talking about animation and cartoons. I play a fair amount of tabletop games too, and have to constantly be reminded that time zones exist. Graphic design is my passion!


Graphic Designer 

I am a design junkie, horse enthusiast, farm worker, furniture painter, yogini, and single parent to nine 4-legged creatures. Thusly, I never take vacations but spend my free time working to build great brands for awesome nonprofits and passionate entrepreneurs. (It’s pronounced ta-jee. )


Co-Founder & Creative Director

I'm a graphic & web designer, donut hunter, music lover, amateur photographer, traveler, passionate do-gooder, hardworking, tenderhearted, strong minded, mover/shaker. I'm a wife and a mother: 1 by birth, 2 by gift, 2 furry.


Social Media Manager

I’m a trend watcher, arts and culture patron, emotional sports fan, hard-to-please reader, and family woman. I can’t help but love social media and I strive to tell good stories in my clients’ voice.


Co-Founder & Communications Director

I'm a volunteer, pet lover, sports enthusiast, film buff, computer geek, shutterbug, and early bird with a mission to help organizations meet their marketing goals and realize their potential through strategic planning.



Content Creator and Strategist

I’m a music snob, Netflix lover, and Korean food obsessive — I promise I won’t leave any kimchi in the communal fridge! In my spare time I like to travel with my hubby, win at Cards Against Humanity, play mini golf, and talk about marketing.


PR +

I’m a publicist, storyteller, PR pro, weekend gardener, beach bum, aspiring chef, wear my heart on my sleeve, fiercely loyal friend, always looking for the next big challenge. My kids are my greatest accomplishment. My biggest joy is making a difference in the lives of others, 2 or 4 legged.


Social Media Manager

Lover of books, bicycling, and the beach in winter. Oh... and wine. And also cheese. And therefore stretchy pants. Passionate advocate for local nonprofits and for keeping the "social" in social media.


Graphic Designer and Illustrator

My name is Abra like in Abracadabra and I’m at my happiest when I get to make things. I am a games enthusiast, whether they’re on a tabletop or on a screen, a Netflix binge artist, an actual artist, a teacher, a wife, and a mama. I love lifting weights, going for long walks, and dancing with my husband. I’m also pretty passionate about food - to the point of getting a degree in Nutrition Science! I’ve got some tricks and recipes up my sleeves that I’m not afraid to share.